I love The Wire. I really do. But, there are so many characters that I actually despise on the show, but not in a way where it's unwatchable; rather I love to hate them, and they are necessary for the show. With some characters, there is a justified reason as to why I really don't like them, and others it's a little bit unwarranted. Bear in mind as of the time that I'm writing this, I'm only seen up to Season 4, Episode 6, so there's probably more people I'll grow to hate and people that I'll hate even more (Clay Davis I'm assuming will go down as my most hated person on the show by the end of the series' run.
Let's begin.
Clay Davis: Absolute prick of a man. Now I know that Stringer Bell is a bad guy; he committed some heinous acts. But Davis conning him got to me; I was pissed. He's a con artist; and so far he's gotten away with it. That annoys me. I will say, I absolutely love the way he says "shit", the enunciation of the word is perfect. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70eU840lc38
William Rawls: A complete bully. How can anyone respect this man? Non stop politicking all day, all night. He lets good police work get in the way of personal grudges (just like McNulty occasionally). I can respect that in some aspects he's done a good job, and he is a smart man; but it's really hard to like the guy. David Simon wants you to hate him, clearly.
Snoop: Murderer. She could have a back story later on in the show, but right now, all I see her as being someone who kills because she's told to. Get out of the Game (intentional capital letter), Snoop! Get out before it's too late!
Chris: Same reason as Snoop, except he's worse (as of the episode I was up to at the time). Killing that woman in the shop just hurt. The Game has changed so much since Avon's absence.
Marlo: Arghhhhh. Emotionless P.O.S. He's a great character since he practically isn't one. He's a robot, and I hate his ruthlessness in a sense that so many "good" people are killed because of him. Obviously at the same time I love him since he brings a feeling that no one is going to be able to stop the one and only Marlo Stanfield.
Wee-Bey's Wife: She doesn't even deserve me to call her by name. Getting her young son to start getting packages and dealing drugs instead of going out to get a job herself? What a disgusting, waste of human air. I couldn't believe my ears in Season 4, Episode 6. She lives a cushy life, but then after Brianna Barksdale cuts off their money, she forces the son to work. Go out and work for yourself, you stupid idiot!
Terry D'Agostino: Attractive woman, but she's slimy. She used McNulty once, but luckily he was smart enough to back out. Then with Carcetti I knew something would happen, but luckily he backed out as well. Is it something she's doing wrong? Oh, that's right, these people she's trying to sleep with are practically seen as objects to her! Usually it's the other way wrong unfortunately.
I'll think of more soon, and maybe put out a second part of this. There are more people that I love to hate, I promise.
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